Blog posts

Can I Get Disability Benefits If I Get Other Benefits?

Submitted by pec on

You may still be able to receive disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA) if you receive other types of benefits, but it will depend on what sort of other benefits you receive and how much those benefits amount to. Typical other benefits you may be receiving include workers’ compensation, short or long term disability benefits associated with an employment based injury or accident or VA benefits. You may find that a disability benefits attorney will help you obtain the disability benefits payment you need.

February is National Cancer Prevention Month

Submitted by pec on

February is National Cancer Prevention Month. If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you may be able to qualify for social security disability benefits. This will depend on whether your cancer diagnosis will prevent you from working for at least 12 months. February also helps to build awareness for cancer prevention by suggesting lifestyle changes that my help to minimize your risk of contracting cancer.

Social Security Payment Schedule: Exactly When to Expect Your Checks in February 2024

Submitted by Elizabeth on

If you are receiving Social Security benefits you probably want to know when you will receive your February Social Security benefits so that you can budget for the month. Social Security benefit payments are sent on a schedule that depends on several factors, including the kind of Social Security benefit that you receive.

Social Security Payment Schedule 2024: Important Dates to Look Out For

Submitted by Elizabeth on

Now that people getting Social Security know they'll be getting more money in 2024, the next thing to figure out is when that money will actually show up. The Social Security Administration recently shared the payment schedule for 2024, and it follows the same routine as always.

In October 2023, the SSA announced a 3.2% increase in the cost of living for 2024. This means the monthly averages for each type of Social Security benefit saw an increase of 3.2% starting in January 2024.

What Are Some Examples of Permanent Disability?

Submitted by pec on

Struggling with an injury or medical condition that permanently disables you can impact your life in many ways. For instance, if you have a permanent disability, you may be unable to work. If you can’t work, you can’t earn an income and support yourself.

Do you find yourself in this situation? If so, you may be eligible to receive disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA). This is an option if your condition qualifies as a permanent disability according to the SSA’s standards.

Conditions that may meet “permanent disability” criteria include: